1. Welcome to the MTC IDEA Fund Application

The IDEA Fund is Missouri Technology Corporation's state-sponsored venture capital program that invests in Missouri’s most promising emerging companies to promote growth and additional future investment.

Applicants need to be early-stage technology or innovation-based companies with high growth potential, and the program requires matching private funds to ensure state and federal funds are invested in the most attractive opportunities.

MTC recommends companies use the PDF copy of the IDEA Fund Application posted on MTC's website to prepare answers to the application questions in advance, and then copy and paste them into Survey Monkey when the company is ready to submit its application. Please pay close attention to the suggested answer limits. MTC expects for applicants to not exceed 32,750 total characters per submission.
October 2024 Award Cycle Deadline: 11:59 pm, August 7, 2024

Question Title

* 1. Legal Company Name:

Question Title

* 2. Doing Business As (if applicable):

Question Title

* 3. Company's Website

Question Title

* 5. Company Headquarters Address

MTC will only consider applications for funding submitted by the company or members of its management team presenting the investment opportunity. Applications submitted by advisors, entrepreneur support organizations, or third parties engaged to raise capital on behalf of the company will not be considered for funding.

Question Title

* 6. Company's Primary Contact

Question Title

* 7. Company's Signing Authority

Question Title

* 12. Year company was founded (4-digit)

Question Title

* 14. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)

Question Title

* 15. Missouri Tax Identification Number (MITS)