IBA Brokers on Carriers 2018

Brokers, are your carriers performing to your satisfaction? 
A healthy broker and carrier relationship is essential for the success of both businesses, and we want to know how your carriers are performing in key aspects, and what they can do to improve their services to the broker distribution channel. 

With your feedback, we will uncover the best performing carriers in the industry - including the best performing carriers in specialty markets.
The survey will only take a few minutes and results will be published in the July edition of Insurance Business America.
Deadline EXTENDED: June 8, 2018.

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* 1. What percentage of your business is commercial vs. personal?

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* 2. What are the THREE most important things you look for in an insurance carrier?

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* 3. Who is your primary commercial carrier? (please name only one)

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* 4. On a scale of 1-10 (1 - poor, 10 - excellent), how would you rate your primary carrier in the following areas?

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Carrier reputation and financial stability
Claims processing
Competitive rates
Underwriting expertise
Technology and automation
Quick quotes
Range of products offered
Marketing support
Education and training
Commitment to the broker distribution channel

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* 5. How could your primary carrier improve their overall performance?

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* 6. Optional: Your contact information

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* 7. Do you use additional insurance carriers?