Dear colleagues,

We have prepared the IACAPAP 2018 congress carefully and with love. However,  there are always things that could be done better. Your feedback is therefore of much importance to us.

Please make sure to complete and submit the survey by 25 August 2018 (certificates are due to be distributed before 1 September 2018)

Thank you very much for your time and care about IACAPAP congresses.

Michal Goetz, MD, PhD
Chair of local organising committee

Question Title

* 1. Indicate your profession

Question Title

* 3. Will you be claiming the CME credits?

Please fill in your name, surname and email address if you need this certificate.

Question Title

* 4. Name

Question Title

* 5. Surname

Question Title

* 6. Email Address

Question Title

* 7. Do you need a general Certificate of attendance?

Please fill in your name, surname and email address if you need this certificate.

Question Title

* 8. Name

Question Title

* 9. Surname

Question Title

* 10. Email Address

Question Title

* 11. What attracted you to attending the congress?

Question Title

* 12. Please rate the following aspects of the congress in terms of the quality and
how well it met your needs.

  Excellent Good Fair Bad Undecided
Frequency and style of mailing campaigns
Online registration system
Abstract submission system
Congress website
Onsite registration process
Presentation management system
Final program format
Assistance from Congress staff and volunteers
Mobile app
Coffee breaks
Welcome reception
Congress dinner

Question Title

* 13. Rate  your level of agreement around the scientific program.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Undecided
The program was well composed
The IACAPAP Monograph is useful and informative

Question Title

* 14. What aspects of the Congress did you find most valuable/useful? (please select up to two items)

Question Title

* 15. What type of session you liked the most (please select up to two items)

Question Title

* 16. How could this program have been improved?

Question Title

* 17. What topics would you like us to consider for future IACAPAP World Congress?

Question Title

* 18. Write up to two speakers whose plenaries you would like to hear at a future IACAPAP world congress

Question Title

* 19. Having two plenaries per day was a good idea.

Question Title

* 20. Having parallel State of art sessions was a good idea.

Question Title

* 21. The presented information well balanced and consistently supported by a valid scientific evidence base.

Question Title

* 22. The event fulfilled my educational goals and expected learning outcomes.

Question Title

* 23. There was adequate time available for discussions, questions & answers during the sessions.

Question Title

* 24. Please list maximum three most interesting/useful sessions you attended.

Question Title

* 25. All the faculty members provided their potential conflict of interest declaration with the sponsor(s) as a second slide of their presentation.

Question Title

* 26. I agree that the information was overall free of commercial and other bias.

Question Title

* 27. The IACAPAP 2018 Congress registration fees were priced just right.

Question Title

* 28. I would recommend the next IACAPAP Congress to others.

Question Title

* 29. I plan to attend the next IACAPAP Congress.

Question Title

* 30. Your message to organizers

Thank you for your feedback, please feel free to submit the form by clicking the Done button.