1. Our worship services are uplifting and inspirational.
1. Our worship services are uplifting and inspirational. Yes
1. Our worship services are uplifting and inspirational. No
2. The homilies are relevant and meaningful to my life.
2. The homilies are relevant and meaningful to my life. Yes
2. The homilies are relevant and meaningful to my life. No
3. Music played during Mass enhances the worship experience.
3. Music played during Mass enhances the worship experience. Yes
3. Music played during Mass enhances the worship experience. No
4. The Sunday Mass is at a convenient time.
4. The Sunday Mass is at a convenient time. Yes
4. The Sunday Mass is at a convenient time. No
5. Our parish provides ample opportunities to socialize.
5. Our parish provides ample opportunities to socialize. Yes
5. Our parish provides ample opportunities to socialize. No
6. I am interested in Religious Education programs for adults.
6. I am interested in Religious Education programs for adults. Yes
6. I am interested in Religious Education programs for adults. No
7. A sense of community and hospitality is central to the Mass experience.
7. A sense of community and hospitality is central to the Mass experience. Yes
7. A sense of community and hospitality is central to the Mass experience. No
8. There is a strong sense of welcome and hospitality at our parish.
8. There is a strong sense of welcome and hospitality at our parish. Yes
8. There is a strong sense of welcome and hospitality at our parish. No
9. I volunteer regularly at parish social and community events.
9. I volunteer regularly at parish social and community events. Yes
9. I volunteer regularly at parish social and community events. No
10. I feel I am contributing to the parish up to my potential of time and talent.
10. I feel I am contributing to the parish up to my potential of time and talent. Yes
10. I feel I am contributing to the parish up to my potential of time and talent. No
11. I regularly attend parish sponsored social and community events.
11. I regularly attend parish sponsored social and community events. Yes
11. I regularly attend parish sponsored social and community events. No
12. As a community, we should recognize individual birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
12. As a community, we should recognize individual birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Yes
12. As a community, we should recognize individual birthdays, anniversaries, etc. No
13. I try to welcome someone new at church on a regular basis.
13. I try to welcome someone new at church on a regular basis. Yes
13. I try to welcome someone new at church on a regular basis. No
14. There is a genuine feeling of friendliness in our parish.
14. There is a genuine feeling of friendliness in our parish. Yes
14. There is a genuine feeling of friendliness in our parish. No
15. Do you prefer the Mass in Spanish only?
15. Do you prefer the Mass in Spanish only? Yes
15. Do you prefer the Mass in Spanish only? No
16. Do you prefer bilingual Mass?
16. Do you prefer bilingual Mass? Yes
16. Do you prefer bilingual Mass? No
17. I am interested in becoming involved in church ministries: extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, cantor, choir member, greeter…
17. I am interested in becoming involved in church ministries: extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, cantor, choir member, greeter… Yes
17. I am interested in becoming involved in church ministries: extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, lector, cantor, choir member, greeter… No