This questionnaire is designed to gather general information about what you think and feel about your school and your relationship with the school.

Question Title

* In response to the questions asked below, please click on the button next to the answer that is closest to what you think or feel.

Thank you!

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I feel welcome at my child’s school
My child is safe at school
My child is safe going to and from school
There is adequate supervision during school
There is adequate supervision before and after school
I am informed about my child’s progress at school
My calls to the school are returned in a timely manner
I know what my child’s teachers expect of my child
My child knows what his/her teachers expect of him/her
New students receive adequate orientation to the school and the programs offered
The school provides adequate information to students about attending college after graduation
The school provides adequate information about non-college options after graduation
The school provides an adequate calendar of school activities
The school clearly communicates how parent volunteers can help
Parent volunteers are made to feel appreciated
Parent volunteers are vital to the school community
I respect the school’s teachers
I respect the school’s principal
Students are treated fairly by the teachers
Students are treated fairly by administration
Students are treated fairly by other students
The school meets the social needs of the students
The school meets the academic needs of the students
The school expects quality work of its students
The school’s assessment practices are fair
Overall, the school performs well academically
There is adequate recognition of student successes
The school succeeds at preparing its students for future work
Teachers help me know how to support my child’s learning at home
I support my child’s learning at home
Overall, the school has a good public image
I would recommend this school to other families

Question Title

* What are the strengths of this school?

Question Title

* What needs to be improved?


For each item, please select the description that applies to you.
These demographic data are used for summary analyses.
Descriptions will not be reported if groups are so small that individuals can be identified.

Question Title

* Ethnicity:

Question Title

* Native Language:

Question Title

* Number of children in the household:

Question Title

* Number of children in this school:

Question Title

* Children's Grade Level:

Question Title

* Responding:

Question Title

* I am a graduate of this high school: