Zoom Career Planner

PaTH On-Line program
Block 2
Job Academy

Introduction of trainer and participants

Today we will cover:
•What is Youth Jobs PATH
•Classroom Expectations
•Completing your personal Career Planner

Classroom expectations
•Develop class rules
•Brainstorm expectations
•Set group etiquette 

Youth Jobs path
What is Youth Jobs PaTH?
•Government funded program for young people
•To assist participants to gain the skills required to become more employable
•Team approach where you, job active providers, your trainer and other stakeholders will work together to assist you to be job ready

Benefits to you
Opportunity for you to:
•Gain valuable skills for employment
•Build your self-confidence
•Be more prepared for the work environment
•Gain a clearer picture of your Career goals

Employability skills
•Block 2 Employability skills training
•3 Weeks
•Monday to Friday 9.30am-3.30 pm
•Half Hour Lunch Break
•Targeted at young people 15 to 24

Job Academy
You will be trained and assessed on 7 core skills:
•Career Development
•Research on entry requirements
•Recruitment and advertising techniques
•Current up to date resumes
•Cover Letters and Key Selection Criteria
•Interview techniques & presentation


Youth Jobs PaTH:
Step 1
•Prepare - Complete Employability skills training & Job academy to be delivered by Westvic Staffing Solutions
•The training is designed to give you employability skills & prepare you for work

Trial - facilitated by your job active provider
Employers can trial a young person in an internship for between 4 and 12 weeks.
Employers who host an internship receive an upfront payment of $1000.
Interns received a $200 fortnightly incentive payment on top of their income support
Jobactive providers will assist you with gaining internships

Hire-facilitated by your jobactive provider
Employers who hire an eligible young person:
•Can receive up to $10,000
•To help contribute to the costs of hiring and training
•Jobactives will assist you with gaining ongoing employment

Course requirements
To complete participants you must:
•Attend daily sessions 1 to 4 with
  daily trainer phone call 
•Advise if sick, absent or have other appointments
•Enter both an AM and PM code into your MyGov activity
•Complete all training requirements and assessment tasks
•Contribute 100%

Online Etiquette
You must;
•Camera to be on at all times
•Mute audio if there is unnecessary noise in your background
•Position yourself in a quiet area, free from distractions
•Remain stationary at all times
•Put up your hand to respond in group discussions
•Have a notepad and pen with you at all times
•Work to be written in your own words
•Full attention during zoom call. Should not be working on questions during the session

Introductions- Age, work/training experience?
Whose mind would you like to live in for a day?

Session 2 will cover :
Readings and multiple choice questions regarding the elements of career planning
Session 3 will be a zoom session with discussion around content of session 2 and guide to complete the career planner in session 4

Question Title

* 1. Student Details