Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following contact information:

Question Title

* 2. Which category would this topic fall into? (choose one)

Question Title

* 3. Suggested Title for Session or Discussion Group:

Question Title

* 4. This session would be designed for the following educational level:

Question Title

* 5. It is VCIA's goal to have a Vermont captive owner / risk manager as a speaker in the session. We are seeking fresh new talent and ideas in 2025 and encourage you to identify content leaders and speakers with proven speaking ability. Please list the types of speakers you will include and identify specific people where possible:

Question Title

* 6. Can you recommend other dynamic and knowledgeable facilitators, captive owner speakers and/or subject matter specialists who you would be interested in hearing from? (No need to limit yourself to captive specialists. We are looking for suggestions that will most help you and your business).

Question Title

* 7. Are you willing to coordinate or co-coordinate the session? (ie. develop an outline, locate a moderator and speakers, and oversee the seminar until completion)

Question Title

* 8. Please describe your presentation in detail. Please limit this description to 150 words or less. Please include the purpose of the session and list up to three specific areas to be discussed. Note: Suggestions will not be considered without this description.

Question Title

* 9. Please select the instructional format that you suggest for this session. Most favored formats listed are (1 & 2), least favored listed with (3) below:

Please submit this form by EOD Friday October 11, 2024.
You may submit multiple topic suggestions.

Thank you for submitting a topic suggestion for VCIA’s 40th Anniversary 2025 Conference held August 11-13 2025 in Burlington Vermont. Task Force members are hard at work with the selection process. You will be notified no later than the end of January 2024 if your topic idea was selected.

Please know your suggestion is greatly appreciated.

Upon acceptance of the topic suggestion by VCIA, a coordinator will be assigned and speaker requirements will be outlined in detail.

In order for VCIA to award continuing education credits to session attendees, speakers will be required to submit biographical information and detailed outlines of their presentations.

Thank you!

Diane Leach and the VCIA Staff