The topic of eCommerce is prevalent within the HVAC distribution industry. Many distributors have a commerce-enabled system and, more importantly, an eCatalog to support their customers.
While identifying the "right" eCommerce platform is important to distributors, an ongoing industry-wide issue is eCommerce product content as this powers your website and provides information to your customers. Content is what delivers an ROI to your web initiative.
Channel Marketing Group and HVACRTrends are soliciting your input regarding eCommerce in the channel.
Key areas we need your input include:
  • What types of content are important to you,
  • Where do you get your product content,
  • What additional information, and eMarketing support, you want.
All input is confidential and will be aggregated.
In appreciation of your support, you can register to receive an executive summary of results.
The survey only takes a few minutes.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss, feel free to contact me.
David Gordon
Channel Marketing Group / HVACRTrends

Question Title

* Does your company have a commerce-enabled website?

Question Title

* Why did your company select this supplier? Was there specific features that attracted you to this company? Was it recommended by others in the industry? Some other reason?

14% of survey complete.