Developing Skills in Science and Health Literacy is a project funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The overarching goal of the project is to develop curriculum materials that will help students develop skills that will enable them to critically evaluate science- and health-related information that they see or hear on the Internet or other types of media. With these skills, they will be more informed citizens and better prepared to make evidence-based decisions related to their health or to other areas of science.
The Efficacy Trial
The Developing Skills in Health Literacy modules have been pilot- and field-tested in schools around the country. BSCS has used the results of those tests to improve the materials for both teachers and students.

We are now preparing for an efficacy trial of the modules with the purpose of determining how well the modules function to help students gain in their understanding and skills. The efficacy trial will compare the Developing Skills in Health Literacy curriculum module with materials developed by the participating teachers to teach the same concepts.

Responsibilities and Expectations
The efficacy trial requires a 2-year commitment from participating teachers. The following describes what is required each year.
Year 1 (Fall 2019)
  • Teachers will
    • develop a series of lessons designed to teach a set of concepts and learning goals that will be provided to you;
    • plan on devoting approximately 6-8 class periods (45-minutes each or comparable time if on a block schedule) to the lessons;
    • agree to teach the lessons between August and November 2019;
    • collect pretest and posttest evaluation data from your students;
    • provide a brief narrative to the project team summarizing the lessons you taught to your students;
    • receive an honorarium after all evaluation materials are returned to project evaluators.
Year 2 (Fall 2020)
  • Teachers will
    • teach the Developing Skills in Health Literacy lessons to your students
    • plan on devoting approximately 6-8 class periods (45-minutes each or comparable time if on a block schedule) to the lessons;
    • agree to teach the lessons between August and November 2020;
    • collect pretest and posttest evaluation data from your students;
    • complete teacher surveys regarding the lessons that were developed and taught.
    • receive an honorarium after all evaluation materials are returned to project evaluators.
Thank you for your interest in the Developing Skills in Health Literacy project. Teachers and their students fulfill a vital role in this important research project. It is only through the testing of the materials in the classroom that we can truly determine how well they can help students.

If you would like to participate in the efficacy trial, please complete the following application.