1. Welcome

Thank you for agreeing to answer this survey at the start of Reading Ahead 2015/16. At the end of Reading Ahead we will ask you to complete another similar survey. The information we get from the surveys will help us understand more about Reading Ahead, so that we can make it as good as it can be.

There are no right or wrong answers; it is your chance to tell us about YOU. We will treat your answers in confidence. We will publish a report of the findings and we may use responses in the media or on our website, but your name will not be used or shared with anyone.

Question Title

* 1. What type of organisation are you taking part in Reading Ahead with?

Question Title

* 2. What is the name of the organisation?

Question Title

* 3. Are you currently doing a course of any kind?

Question Title

* 4. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements?

  Agree a lot Agree a little Not sure Disagree a little Disagree a lot
I read only if I have to
I enjoy reading
I think I am a good reader
Reading is harder for me than for many other people

Question Title

* 5. How often do you do any of these things?

  Never Less than once a month Once or twice a month Once or twice a week Every day or almost every day
Buy books
Borrow books from a library
Talk about your reading with other people
Read with children
Read for pleasure (eg books, newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs)