ATMIA strives to continually improve the benefits and offerings we provide our members and the ATM industry. To help us with our planning for 2022, please take a few minutes to answer this short survey to tell us how we are doing and which issues you feel we should be working on in the 2022 and beyond.

Just for completing the survey, you will be entered to win one of three prizes! A free year of membership, a free conference pass to a 2022 ATMIA conference of your choice or $150 will be awarded once we receive 50 or more survey responses! See details at the end of the survey. 

Please Note: Questions marked with an asterisk are required. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential.

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* 3. Please rate the overall value of the ATMIA Member Benefits your company took advantage of during this past year

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* 4. Rate the ATMIA leadership and their vision in terms of its strategic direction and service to the industry

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* 5. Please indicate which areas of the ATMIA website are most valuable to you (Check all that apply)

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* 6. Please rate ATMIA’s Advocacy efforts during 2021

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* 7. Tick the top THREE industry issue ATMIA should focus on in 2022

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* 8. As you know cash is under attack in many parts of the world. Rate how you think ATMIA has done defending the case for cash during 2021