Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC) Emergency Student Aid  

LA Valley College will provide grants to students with identified financial needs that compromise their ability to continue their studies or successfully engage in their classes.

Eligibility will be determined using the following criteria:
  • LAVC is your home campus
  • Be enrolled in 6 units or more
  • Demonstrate financial need
Grant awards (up to $500) are one-time only and will be determined on a need basis in three categories:
  1. Apply using this application for Technology Grant Award (Hot Spot or Internet Service) or Emergency Basic Needs Grant Award
  2. Apply separately for a Laptop/Tablet Award  - Apply at mycollege.laccd.edu. Navigate to Key Links & Help Tile. Proceed to scholarship link to the Student Login button
You can apply for all awards. A panel will review your application and will determine eligibility. You will be notified of your award via email.