Congratulations! You're about to embark on a 38-day (or more if you want!) exercise challenge with a group of other motivated individuals who are looking for a fun way to maintain their health and wellness during the holidays. You only need to fill out this form if you plan to complete the full challenge and wish to receive a t-shirt as your reward*. To complete the full challenge, you must do the following:
  1. Complete this form with your contact information and shirt size (your information will not be publicized and will only be used to order your shirt size and to mail your t-shirt to your address)
  2. Post a message to the ConvergenceCoaching® Holiday Exercise Streak Facebook page that "you're in" so others know and can support you ( or, if you are NOT on Facebook, email to let us know you are in.
  3. Share your progress with others by:
    • Posting, direct messaging the Holiday Exercise Streak Facebook page or emailing that you exercised (and what kind of exercise you did) on Day 1, which is Thanksgiving Day
    • Every week, post an update to the Facebook page, direct message the page or email that you have exercised the equivalent of running/walking one mile each day since your last update (and share what exercises you've been doing to achieve that)
    • Post, direct message the page or email on the last day of the challenge, which is January 1, 2022, that you completed your exercise for that day
We encourage you to share your Holiday Exercise Streak with colleagues, friends and family on Facebook or Twitter by using the hashtag #HolidayStreakers and tagging ConvergenceCoaching (or @ConvergenceSays on Twitter).

We're doing this on the honor system - if you miss a day, it's up to you to express that. The "challenging" part of this challenge is in scheduling and making the exercise happen EVERY DAY! We encourage you to support others in the challenge via the Facebook page. And, if you do miss a day, don't let that stop you and join back in!

A mile is 2,000 steps. You aren't limited to running or walking for your exercise as we all know there are lots of ways to get moving and stay active. If you plan to do other activities, we encourage you to use this chart here for converting your time spent in the activity to the appropriate number of steps so you can know how many "miles" you completed.

BONUS: If the streak isn’t tough enough, add in the weekly plank progression challenge: week 1 start by completing a 1 minute straight arm plank every day, week 2 move your plank to a forearm plank and hold for 1 minute 15 seconds every day, week 3 complete a side plank for 45-seconds on each side every day to total 1 minute 30 seconds, week 4 plank jack for 1 minute 45 seconds every day, week 5-6 straight arm plank with alternating shoulder taps for 2 minutes every day.
Also, please note that we will be ordering the shirts upon completion of the challenge so that we can know how many to order. Therefore, shirts won't be delivered until February 2022.

Once you have entered your information below, select "Submit" until you are re-directed to the ConvergenceCoaching web page.

If you have any questions, direct message us at our Facebook page or email us.

*We at ConvergenceCoaching advise you to consult with your doctor before starting a new exercise program.

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* 1. Please provide your first and last name.

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* 2. Please provide the URL to your Facebook profile (or your LinkedIn page if you do not have Facebook).

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* 3. Please provide the mailing address for us to mail your t-shirt to you upon completion.

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* 4. Please provide your contact information, should we need to reach you:

*Please provide the email address you are most likely to check so we may confirm your participation. Confrmation of your participation is required if you wish to receive a shirt. We will not share or use your email address for any other purpose. 

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* 5. Are you going for the bonus plank challenge this year?

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* 7. You acknowledge that ConvergenceCoaching has advised me to consult with my doctor before starting a new exercise program.