Dear Sir or Madam,

Because you are a healthcare consumer representative, you are cordially invited to participate in this review of ACCCN's 2015 Workforce Standards for Intensive Care Nursing.

These 10 standards have been developed by the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN) to safeguard the provision of an appropriate intensive care nursing workforce, with the aim to ensure a safe and sustainable workforce that achieves the best outcomes for all critically ill patients.

The purpose of this review is to assess the level of consumer agreement with the Standards for use in practice, and to provide an opportunity for comment by intended users before the Standards are published.

The information obtained from this review will be used to inform the final publication of the Standards.

A pdf copy of the full standards is provided for your reference, which includes some key definitions (Appendix 1, page 38) that may be useful.

You are under no obligation to complete this survey but your responses would be very much valued.

Your consent to participate will be implied by your completion and submission of the survey.

Please be assured that your identity will be kept confidential and that the results of this survey will be presented in aggregate form only.

On behalf of ACCCN, thank you for participating.