Weather Assistant - User Feedback Please provide your feedback below. Question Title * 1. How would you rate your overall experience using the Weather Assistant? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor Question Title * 2. How many questions have you asked the Weather Assistant (approximately)? 1-3 4-10 11-20 21+ I didn't ask any questions Question Title * 3. How well did the Weather Assistant understand and interpret your input or prompts? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor Question Title * 4. How would you rate the quality of the responses generated by the Weather Assistant overall? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor Question Title * 5. How often would you imagine using this Weather Assistant in the future? Multiple times a day, every day About once a day A couple of times a week About once a week A few times a month or less often Only when there is severe/bad weather Never Other I don't know Question Title * 6. How likely are you to recommend using this Weather Assistant to a friend, relative or colleague? Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 7. In your opinion, what is the most important question the Weather Assistant should be able to answer well and accurately? I don't know Most important question: Question Title * 8. Please share any additional feedback about your experience below (optional). Next