Question Title

* Overall, how satisfied were you with the Downtown Raleigh Alliance State of Downtown Raleigh 2016 event?

Question Title

* How did you learn about the State of Downtown 2016 event (please check all that apply)?

Question Title

* How satisfied were you with the following event components:

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied N/A
Networking Opportunity
Food and Beverage
Awards Presentation/Video
State of Downtown Presentation
Panel Discussion/Q&A
Admission Cost

Question Title

* Please rate the importance of the following event components:

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Networking Opportunity
Food and Beverage
Speakers & Panelists
State of Downtown Report

Question Title

* Overall, how satisfied were you with the content of the State of Downtown 2016 Report you received at the event?

Question Title

* How satisfied were you with the following report components?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Not Satisfied N/A
Appearance and graphic quality
Content and analytical quality
Length of report

Question Title

* Is there additional content that you would like added to the report for next year?