Purpose: Students. They are the reason for the High School of Business™ program, and the reason for continually making it better. Each year, your school has the opportunity to improve its High School of Business™ program for the benefit of  your students. At the same time, your school's responses help MBAResearch and Curriculum Center make improvements to  High School of Business™ at the national level. We thank you for your time and thoughtful participation.

Survey Structure:
Section I: Data Collection (Completed by School Personnel) 
Section II: High School of Business™ Checklist--Program Requirements
Section III: Self-Study: Best Practices of a Business Administration Program
Section IV: Program Feedback
Section V: Development of Your 2018/19 Local Improvement Plan

You can exit the survey and then re-enter it later. However, be aware that Survey Monkey's Save feature only SAVES survey PAGES if you have clicked the arrow to progress past a page. So, if you intend to log out and finish later, be sure you click the arrow to advance to the next page prior to logging out.

In advance of Steering Team Meeting:
Step 1: Schedule at least sixty minutes during your next High School of Business Steering Team meeting to work on this survey.
Step 2: Share a copy of the survey with all steering team members so they can review in advance. (This was emailed to primary contact at each school, and is also available on the Steering Team page of the HSB Wiki.) Be sure to let team members knows that Section I will be completed by school personnel. **********
Step 3: School personnel completes Section I: Data Collection.

During the HSB Steering Team meeting:
Step 4: Steering team members review the data collected by school personnel and then complete the remainder of the survey (Sections II-V) together. Suggestion: use a projector to display the survey on a screen so all participants can follow along. Or, provide copies of the survey.
Step 5: Within one week, your school's primary contact will receive a PDF of your survey responses, via email, from MBAResearch and Curriculum Center. Keep this for your records.

3% of survey complete.