ESSA calls for states to develop an indicator around “school quality or student success.” At the high school level, South Dakota already has a college and career readiness indicator in its School Performance Index. The work group is considering revising that indicator, to include more options, and using it for the student success indicator at the high school level. The proposal the work group is considering is below. A student would need to demonstrate college readiness OR career readiness in order for a school to receive SPI points. Each indicator begins with a “gateway” that a student must meet and then allows for options to further demonstrate readiness.


College Readiness
Gateway: Cumulative GPA of 2.8 out of 4.0
Benchmarks: One or more of the following:
  · English (18) and Mathematics (20) ACT sub-score
  · Level 3 or 4 Scores on 11th grade Smarter Balanced Assessment
  · Elementary Algebra (76 or higher) and Sentence Skills
    (86 or higher) for Accuplacer
  · Advanced Placement Examination (3 or higher)
  · Advanced Placement Course (A, B or C)
  · High School General Education Dual Credit OR Concurrent
    Credit Completion (C or higher on all coursework)
  · College Developmental/Remedial English and/or Math (A, B or C)

Career Readiness
  · 94% attendance in final school year (equates to two weeks’
    vacation in the professional world)
  · 94% attendance from the time first entered 9th grade
    until graduation
  · Cumulative  GPA of 2.8 out of 4.0

Benchmarks: Choose Option 1, 2, 3, or 4:
  1. CTE Concentrator
  2. Two or more technical dual credit courses (A, B, or C)
  3. National Career Readiness Certificate (Silver or above)
  4. Two or more of the below:
       · Completion of a Capstone Course (A, B, or C)
       · Completion of a CTE Foundational Course (A, B, or C)
       · Completion of one technical dual credit course (A, B, or C)

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your feedback on this proposal.