A critical feature of Obamacare may impact the safety of the drugs you rely on!

Please take the following biosimilar drug survey, and let us know your thoughts so we can tell the FDA how you feel.
Thank you for your help with this important matter!

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* 1. Did you know that Obamacare allows a new kind of drug – called “biosimilars” --that could be substituted for the drug your doctor ordered for you, perhaps without your knowledge or your doctor being informed?

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* 2. Did you know that biosimilar drugs cannot be generic versions of lifesaving biologics, which are drugs made from living organisms that are far more complex and powerful than the pills that we are accustomed to taking?

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* 3. The FDA (the government agency responsible for drug safety) has still not released final safety rules for biosimilars even though they have approved 2 biosimilars already and are preparing approvals for several more this year.    Do you believe FDA should finalize safety standards before approving any more biosimilar drugs?

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* 4. Please indicate which of the following biosimilar safety considerations are important to protect your safety:

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* 5. Please give us any comments about your experience with Biologics, safety issues with your medication or anything else we, or FDA, should know?