Greenbrier County Citizen Survey

Thank you for taking this survey to help guide Greenbrier County's Comprehensive Plan.

Please do not include personal information such as names, phone numbers or addresses in your answers except for an email address if you would like contact from the planning team during this process.

If you do not have an opinion on a question, feel free to skip over it or leave the submission box blank.

Please visit for more information about Greenbrier County's current comprehensive plan.
General Information

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your residence status in Greenbrier County?

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* 2. How long have you lived in Greenbrier County?

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* 3. How is water supplied to your residence?

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* 4. Which area of the county do you live in?

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* 5. Please provide the zip code for the location where you live.

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* 6. Please provide the zip code for the location where you work.

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* 7. In what industry have you been employed?

Question Title

* 8. If we may contact you regarding additional comprehensive planning input, please provide your email address.

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9% of survey complete.