The Memorial Park Improvement Project is now complete, and we would love to get your feedback about the project and the changes that have taken place within the park. To make sure that we've achieved our aims, we would really appreciate it if you would answer the questions below. The survey is quick, and your feedback is very important to us.

Thank you for your time.

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* 1. Do you feel that Memorial Park is in better condition after this project?

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* 2. Do you think that you / your family will use the park more than they did before?

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* 3. Do you think that the park will be used more by the community than it was before?

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* 4. Did the project deliver everything that was expected?

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* 5. There have been lots of events and activities taking place within the park during the project (including bat walks, planting, school projects, artwork, nature and wildlife walks, woodland management sessions, and the Picnic in the Park event). We have also installed new interpretation / information panels on the site.

Do you feel that you / the community know more about the heritage of the park, and the natural environment within the park, now?

Question Title

* 6. If you have any other comments or feedback that you would like to share with the team, please do that here: