Welcome to the GoEXPRESS Delivery Guidelines Runner Quiz!
This quiz is designed to help you, as a Runner, gain a deeper understanding of the GoEXPRESS delivery guidelines, familiarize yourself with the specific delivery requirements of our senders, and improve the overall quality of your service. By mastering these guidelines, you will be better prepared to meet sender expectations, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately secure more job opportunities.
All the answers can be found in the training deck. Be sure to review it here: GoEXPRESS Delivery Guidelines

Good luck, and let’s keep delivering excellence together!

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* 1. What attire is mandatory when entering the GoEXPRESS warehouse?

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* 2. What should you do if there are missing or incorrect items during a sorting run?

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* 3. What is required to load packages at the GoEXPRESS warehouse?

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* 4. What will happen if a barcode scanner is not used and goods are missing?

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* 5. What should you bring to mark the job sequence when picking up?

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* 6. Where is it considered safe to leave a package in an apartment complex under Authority to Leave (ATL)?

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* 7. Which of the following is NOT acceptable when releasing a parcel?

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* 8. If a Recipient is not available and there is no safe place to leave the item, what should you do if the Hubbed option is available?

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* 9. What is a Hubbed location similar to?

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* 10. What is the consequence if you fail to attempt a redirection to a Hubbed collect point location?

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* 11. What should be done if the Hubbed location is closed?

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* 12. How do you redirect a delivery to a Hubbed location?

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* 13. What happens after you choose to redirect to a Hubbed?

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* 14. What steps must you follow after redirecting a package to a Hubbed location?

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* 15. What must be done after dropping a package at a Hubbed location?

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* 16. What should you do if a Hubbed location rejects a parcel you are trying to redirect?

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* 17. What should you do if your have secured a run for GoEXPRESS on the next day and have returns?

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* 18. What should you do if you have items to return and you DO NOT have a GoEXPRESS run scheduled for the next day?

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* 19. GoExpress has comprehensive high-definition cameras installed. What will happen if you are caught taking packages that do not belong to you?

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* 20. If you accidentally pick up items that are not in your Run, what should you do?

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* 21. If you deliver an item to the wrong address, what should you do?

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* 22. What is your name?

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* 23. What is your GoPeople account email address?