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Share your vision for a healthy, safe, and inclusive Glendale!

The City of Glendale is developing its first Environmental Justice Element, which will become a part of the City’s General Plan. The General Plan is a policy document representing the community’s view of its future and serves as a blueprint for growth and development.

Environmental justice is about making sure everyone has equal access to clean air, water, land, and other resources. It’s about creating and enforcing rules so that no one is unfairly harmed by pollution or other environmental problems.

The Environmental Justice Element will reflect the City’s efforts to promote equal access to resources throughout the community for all to enjoy.

We want to hear from YOU! This survey will ask for your experiences with topics related to environmental justice, including:
  • Access to a range of public facilities and services
  • Availability of safe and convenient places for recreation
  • Access to healthy food options
  • Housing conditions
  • Pollution exposure and air quality
  • Opportunities to share your input on City plans and programs
Your answers to this survey will help the City develop the policies and actions included in the Environmental Justice Element.

The survey is 22 questions long and will take about 10 minutes to complete.

For more information about the Environmental Justice Element, please visit glendaleplan.com.