Apply to showcase and sell your published books on consignment at GenreCon 2025: Alchemy in our pop-up conference bookstore.

Submit details of your book/s (please submit separate forms for multiple books, for no more than three books) to register your interest and to receive further information.

Books need to be received by COB Friday 14 February 2025 to be eligible for sale on consignment.

This opportunity is exclusively available to GenreCon presenters and full ticketholders. Purchase your General Admission ticket at Please ensure your personal details provided below match your ticket registration details.

Question Title

* 1. Your details

Question Title

* 2. Book details

Please note only books published/reprinted since 2016 will be accepted on consignment; priority will be placed on most recent publications.

Question Title

* 3. Cover image - 
Upload a high quality cover image in JPG or PNG format.

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 4. Recommended retail price (RRP) –
Queensland Writers Centre will take a 10% fee from all sales; additional payment processing fees may apply. Please enter a number value in AUD.

Question Title

* 5. Sale quantity –
Queensland Writers Centre will accept a maximum of 25 books (total per author) on consignment.

Question Title

* 6. How will you provide your books for sale at GenreCon?
Please note authors will be required to cover all shipping costs.

Books accepted for consignment should be received by QWC (by mail or dropped off to State Library of Queensland) prior to 15 February 2025.

Question Title

* 7. What would you like done with any leftover copies?
Please note authors will be required to cover any return shipping costs.

100% of survey complete.