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What is your Evaluation Management Style?
Welcome to the survey on independent evaluation management styles.
This survey was developed by the Evaluation Function of the Independent Advisory and Evaluation Service of the CGIAR (CGIAR-IAES) to collect information about practices in evaluation management across independent evaluation offices. The survey is part of a study and the output, an analytical report on management styles, will help learn how these practices can foster the use of evaluative evidence in decision-making by management. The report will be shared with you if you choose to leave your email address.
Who is this survey targeted to:
Professionals with experience in managing independent evaluations, particularly UN Agencies, International/Regional Development Banks, Donors, and other Organizations.
Data privacy and confidentiality:
The information you share will be anonymized (the responses you provide will not be associated with your personal information so what you say and who you are cannot be linked).
How long will it take to complete the survey?
Test respondents took between 10 and 25 minutes to complete this survey.
We encourage you to submit your response as soon as you receive it, and no later than October 30, 2024.