Good Afternoon everyone, It is with regret that we announce the cancellation of the 2016 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show. After careful and diligent consideration the Kicking Horse Country Chamber of Commerce Events Committee recommended that the 2016 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show be cancelled due to low booth sales. Unfortunately we have been only able to sell approximately 50% of the available floor space which would cause us to run the show at a loss in 2016. We also believe it would not be fair to your business to run a less then adequate show filled with sufficient booths to attract a wide variety of attendees to the show. The KHCCC Events Committee wishes to thank all those who have supported the Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show over its 6 year history which began in 2009 as the Golden Women’s Show and grew to become a full Home & Lifestyle Show. An extra special thank you to Karen Cathcart from the CSRD and the Golden Star for their continued financial sponsorship support. 2016 Golden Spring Home & Lifestyle Show Committee
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