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* 1. What ages live in your household? Please check all that apply.

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* 2. When was the last time you visited the Griswold Memorial Library at 12 Main Rd. in Colrain?

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* 3. Currently, GML is open 33 hours per week: Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If we could add more open hours, which of the following would suit your schedule? Please check all that apply.

Question Title

* 4. How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? 

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
GML helps me/us to feel connected to my/our community.
GML offers tech tools and assistance to help members of our community to adapt to change.
I/we feel welcome and safe at GML.
GML helps preserve local history and stories.
I/we appreciate the programs offered by the GML, such as Fix-It Day and Summer Reading Club.
The GML staff are knowledgeable and helpful.
I/we can find DVDs, books, and other materials that suit our/my interests at GML.
GML helps people to save money and/or time (e.g. DVDs, Library of Things, print services).

Question Title

* 5. How would you rate the following at Griswold Memorial Library?

  I don't know Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
Knowledgeable, friendly, and helpful staff
Welcoming and pleasant environment
Inspiring a love of reading
Helping people to engage in local government
Assistance in troubleshooting or learning new technology
Reading recommendations
Browsing the library collection
Reliable services in uncertain times
Activities to learn, engage with one another, or pass the time
Opportunities to learn or discover something new
Comfortable spaces to meet, gather, relax, or study

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* 6. How do you like to find out about local activities and news, including library events? Please check all that apply.

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* 7. What type of community do you want to live in, and how can the library support your vision?

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* 8. What do you value most about the Griswold Memorial Library?

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* 9. Do you have any suggestions for improving our library or library services? 

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* 10. How would you rate GML, overall?