About RINGO Prototype
The Ringo Project is a system change initiative, started in September 2020, to transform global civil society to respond to today’s challenges. RINGO is the first globally-coordinated cross-sectoral effort to revolutionise the sector by interrogating the purpose, structures, power, and positioning of INGOs.
As part of the system change initiative, RINGO convened a unique ‘Social Lab’ of global innovators who represent ‘the system’ of INGOs (including southern partners, funders and INGO leaders) to rapidly develop and launch prototypes (pilot projects) that can transform INGO institutions and the systems in which they function.
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In developing the prototypes, a number of idea carriers within the RINGO social lab members developed and launched the RINGO prototypes to transform INGOs, institutions and systems. One such prototype is the ‘Decolonising Advisory Service’ prototype. 
About the Decolonising Advisory Services Prototype
The past few years have seen exponential growth in the number of discussions among INGOs, think tanks and funders around how to ‘Decolonise’ the sector. However, the surge in interest has not been met with a corresponding increase in the supply of advisors who can support such processes. This prototype aims to establish a knowledge advisory service or centre made up of activists and advisors from the Global South who would be willing and able to offer their services to stakeholders in the Global North to ‘Decolonise’ their practice and thinking.
There will also be a focus on building the expertise and access to the knowledge around the decolonising process, perhaps through the creation of a knowledge centre based in the Global South. There is significant momentum for change within the system right now, which could dissipate if the demand for support is not met with a corresponding supply of services. Moreover, there is a risk that those in the Global South will not guide the decolonising process.
The prototype seeks to respond to the structural barrier in the INGO system on: How might we disrupt colonial/traditional perceptions of capacity, knowledge and expertise, rather than perpetuating the narrative of the North doing capacity building ‘to’ southern civil society?
Why this survey
The West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI), as the host of the prototype, in collaboration with Right Co-Lab, Peace Direct and the RINGO social lab members with support from the Wilde Ganzen under the Giving for Change programme, seeks to identify and map the level of interest among INGOs for a service of this kind and to determine whether a social enterprise is a right structure for this venture (compared to a platform, for example). 

Your response to this survey and subsequent referrals to other INGOs and actors from the global north will greatly help the prototype's development and design.