The FP7 project MITIGATE will develop a closed-loop molecular environment for minimally invasive treatment of patients with metastatic Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours (GIST).

The MITIGATE consortium representing three European universities, three research organisations and four SMEs will pursue the ultimate goal to develop new protocols and guidelines to effectively diagnose and treat patients with metastatic GIST resistant to current treatment.
The MITIGATE project will develop and implement a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for the simulation and prediction of human biodistribution and absorbed doses using mice biodistribution data. The simulation and prediction of human biodistribution could be offered as a service or developed into a stand-alone software.

As a first step, the model will use murine biokinetic data of tumour, kidney, liver and spleen, together with the amount of injected substance and activity, as input.

After determining the adjustable fitting parameters for the corresponding xenograft in a second step, the model parameters, e.g. blood flows and organ masses, are changed from mouse to human. For this human model, the user can add the receptor density and volume of the human tumour as additional parameter, and simulate the human biodistribution.

The output, the time-integrated activity coefficients, can then be used to calculate the expected absorbed doses. Different quantities of injected amounts and activities can be simulated to determine a suitable first-in-man-dosage.

The goal of this short survey (5 minutes) is to assess the end-user community and their interest in the products developed by MITIGATE.

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* 1. Where are you working?

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* 2. How many animal studies with newly developed radiopharmaceuticals does your institution per year?

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* 3. How many human investigations does your institution perform per year with new developed radiopharmaceuticals?

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* 4. How do you estimate human biodistribution based on small animal data at your institution?

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* 5. What is the biggest problem or drawback your institution faces in performing dosimetry studies by conventional methods?

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* 6. Would you be interested in using software which allows estimation of human biodistribution based on small animal data?

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* 7. What would you pay for such a software/service?

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* 8. If you are interested in learning more about the MITIGATE project and would like to receive our annual newsletter, please enter your contact details below.

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* 9. Do you have any general comments or remarks?