Members Survey 2024

We would love to hear your thoughts regarding our membership offering. Please could you take a couple minutes to complete this survey  in order for us to gain valuable feedback. Thank you. 

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* 1. How long have you been a member of the zoo?

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* 2. Why did you choose to become a member?

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* 3. How often do you visit the zoo?

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* 4. When you visit, who are you most likely to visit with

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* 5. We are looking to personalise memberships a little more. Could you provide your date of birth(s) to help us with this please?

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* 6. Thinking of our current collection of animals, which one would you choose to participate in an experience/ feed with?

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* 7. Do you take advantage of our current benefits

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* 8. Have you attended any of our events

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* 9. Is there any specific event you would like to see at the zoo?

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* 10. Have you booked to attend our members update talk?

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* 11. Would you recommend the zoo to a family member or friend?

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* 12. What would you like to be included in our e-news letter?