Area of Interest

In February, 2018, CPAC held 4 planning conversations at the Cleveland Public Library as part of our strategic planning process. Each conversation focused on one of the 4 strategy areas that emerged during our internal planning process: arts learning, participation and engagement, cultural policy and funding. The purpose of these conversations was to communicate directly with the people we serve, provide context about how we arrived at these strategy areas and ask them to help in setting priorities for our work as an organization.

All 4 conversations were free and open to the public. We shared information on content, timing and location as widely as possible with our full database contact list and on social media. Staff extended several targeted phone calls and invitations, though discussions were not limited to those individuals. We had a total attendance rate of 95 over the course of the 4 discussions. Arts and culture professionals as well as artists, funders, local government staff, business owners and those from for-profit and non-profit sectors attended.   

Question Title

* 1. In what ZIP code is your home located?

Question Title

* 2. If you attended one of the conversations, which one did you attend?