May 25 - 27 Strengthening Communities Summit

Description: Nonprofit Retreats at Omega is an opportunity for peer nonprofits that enhance community life and focus on a range of social, economic, and environmental issues to recharge, collaborate, strategize, and return to their mission rejuvenated and with greater clarity.

Self-led working retreat overview: Retreats include meeting space, simple accommodations, meals, and access to all campus amenities. Omega provides an Opening Gathering and opportunities for networking. Each organization designs the agenda for its retreat and is eligible for a free one-hour consultation with the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) while on campus.

Application Instructions: 

This online application must be completed in a single session; you will not be able to return to this form once it is closed.
Please allow yourself ample time to enter your responses.

We strongly recommend downloading the application questions and working offline first, having all responses prewritten and approved (see approval section below) prior to filling out the application online.

Application deadline: Completed applications are due February 7, 2020.

Application support: For a free half-hour consultation on how to best complete this application, contact Doug Sauer, NYCON chief executive officer, at

Approval: Your application must be approved by your executive director or board chairperson and will not be considered without this approval. To allow you to prepare your responses in advance, the application questions are available for download.

Notification: Selected organizations will be informed by February 28, 2020.

Other questions: Please refer to our information packet or contact
9% of survey complete.