1. United Way Campaign Coordinator Survey

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* 1. Did you attend a Campaign Coordinator meeting in August?

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* 2. Did you use your Campaign in a Flash USB drive during the campaign?

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* 3. Please check the statements that best describes your experience as a Campaign Coordinator this year. You may make additional comments in the box below.

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* 4. How would you rate the quality of the United Way presentation at your organization?

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* 5. Which of these things did you find most helpful to you in your role?

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* 6. What positive comments and/or concerns did you hear during the campaign?

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* 7. What does United Way do well? What needs improvement?

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* 8. What factors do you feel positively affected your campaign results this year? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 9. What factors do you feel may have negatively affected your campaign results this year? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 10. Outside of your workplace campaign, where do you see or hear about United Way of Whatcom County? (Check all that apply)

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* 11. Are you interested in volunteering for the Fund Distribution Committee (the committee that reviews all United Way funded programs and decides how funds will be used)?

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* 12. Thank you for your support! Is there anything else we can do for you?

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* 13. Name of your company/organization (optional)

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* 14. If you would like to be contacted with more information on any of these questions, please provide the following: