
14% of survey complete.
Recently, Gwinnett County Public Schools kicked off a three-year process to design and implement a fair, flexible compensation system that will provide opportunities for employees to be rewarded and recognized for exceptional performance rather than solely years of service. More information about this project and its impetus was shared by the Superintendent in the October 19 issue of Education Briefs.

(The link to the Education Briefs message is here.)

The district is currently gathering information to help in the development process, but has not yet made any decisions on what changes may be made to our compensation system. Before making any decisions, we need to hear from you. A number of teachers provided input through cluster focus groups, and the Teachers Advisory Committee (TAC) will provide feedback as part of its meetings this year.

However, GCPS is interested in hearing from more employees on this important topic. The following survey is an opportunity for staff to provide further feedback into how the system should be designed and implemented. It should take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete.