Exit Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, Delray Beach Survey Question Title * 1. Which part of Delray Beach do you live in? Please refer the map showing geographic areas in Delray Beach. Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Outside Delray Beach City Limits Question Title Question Title * 2. To which gender identity do you most identify? Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to answer Question Title * 3. Which category describes your age? Younger than 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 or older Prefer not to answer Question Title * 4. Why do you walk, bike, or use other micromobility devices? To get to school To get to work To run errands To be a healthier person To be more sustainable Question Title * 5. How many times in a week do you walk to work or school within the neighborhood? Less than once a week 2 or 3 times per week 3 or 4 times per week 4 or 5 times per week Multiple times per week Question Title * 6. How many times in a week do you bike to work or school within the neighborhood? Less than once a week 2 or 3 times per week 3 or 4 times per week 4 or 5 times per week Multiple times per week Question Title * 7. What type of bicyclist are you? Strong and Fearless (Highly Confident):I feel comfortable bicycling on any street. Enthused & Confident (Somewhat Confident): I feel comfortable bicycling on quieter streets with bike lanes. Interested but Concerned: I enjoy bicycling, especially on trails and shared use paths, but bicycling on roads makes me uncomfortable. No Way, No How (Not Interested or Able): I am not interested in bicycling or am physically unable to ride a bicycle. Question Title Question Title * 8. What are the top three barriers to walking in Delray Beach? Please select three checkboxes. Lack of access/ease of travel Poor sidewalk quality or lack of sidewalks Inadequate sidewalk width Sidewalk gaps or lack of sidewalk connectivity Safety from automobile traffic (speed) Too much automobile traffic (volume) General aesthetics/cleanliness of surroundings Destinations too far to walk (retail, workplace, recreation) Lack of shade trees Personal safety concerns (e.g., people loitering) Poor lighting at night Weather Question Title * 9. What are the top three barriers to bicycling in Delray Beach? Please select three checkboxes. Lack of access/ease of travel Poor bicycle facilities or lack of bicycle facilities Bicycle network gaps or connectivity issues Safety from automobile traffic (speed) Too much automobile traffic (volume) Little separation from automobile traffic Personal safety concerns (e.g., people loitering) General aesthetics/cleanliness of surroundings Destinations too far to walk (retail, workplace, recreation) Lack of shade trees Poor lighting at night Weather Vehicular conflicts at intersections Unclear signage Question Title * 10. Which are the top three areas or streets in Delray Beach that need bicycle improvements? Question Title * 11. Which type of bicycle improvements are needed the most in Delray Beach? Assign RANK from 1 through 5. (1=Most Needed, 5=Least Needed). Images showing different types of bicycle facilities are provided below for reference purposes. Question Title Question Title * 12. Which are the top three areas or streets in Delray Beach that need pedestrian improvements? Question Title * 13. Additional Comments Done