As outside consultants we believe we are only worth a school's time and financial commitment if we begin our work by listening to a diverse representation of school members and then present our work in a way that integrates with the community’s beliefs and experiences. Please share your opinions below to help us prepare for our work with you.

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* 1. Gender

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* 2. How many years have you been working in education?

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* 3. What grade level do you teach? (select all that apply)

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* 4. When considering your own professional development, please rank the following in order of importance. (1 is the most important and 7 the best)

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* 5. Please describe, in greater detail, your top two selections from above (or add another topic not listed).

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* 6. What are most important topics we should address with your students? (You may choose more than one answer)

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* 7. Are there any uncomfortable conversations you have with your students or questions students ask you that you would like us to address during the keynote session or student presentation?

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* 8. Given that we may have an opportunity to speak to your students on the topics listed above, please list any concerns you may have if any of these issues are addressed.