Question Title

* 1. What metals do you forge? (Please check all that apply)

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* 2. How many employees do you have in your forging operation?

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* 3. What type(s) of forging is/are performed at your location? (Please check all that apply)

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* 4. Indicate the approximate value of forged products your plant will ship during 2018.

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* 5. How will your 2018 forging shipments (tonnage) compare with 2017 forging shipments (tonnage)?

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* 6. If you selected "increase" for Q5, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 7. If you selected "decrease" for Q5, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 8. How do you expect your 2019 forging shipments (tonnage) to compare with the 2018 forging shipments (tonnage)?

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* 9. If you selected "increase" for Q8, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 10. If you selected "decrease" for Q8, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 11. What percentage of "normal" plant capacity is represented by your 2018 average monthly forging production? ("Normal" being the number of employees, shifts, and days your plant normally operates.)

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* 12. How are forging imports affecting your business?

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* 13. Please detail your response to Q12:

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* 14. Do you plan to make any capital expenditures during 2019?

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* 15. What do you estimate will be the total of your capital expenditures during 2019?

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* 16. How will your 2019 capital expenditures compare to 2018 expenditures?

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* 17. If you selected "increase" for Q16, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 18. If you selected "decrease" Q16, by what percentage (estimate)?

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* 19. What are your borrowing plans for 2019?

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* 20. What types of investments are planned for your forging operation in 2019? (Please check all that apply)

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* 21. Have any of the issues listed below been significant problems for your operation during 2018? (Please check all that apply)

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* 22. Are any of the issues listed below likely to become a significant problem in 2019? (Please check all that apply)

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* 23. Do you currently use computer simulation in the design or analysis of your forging process?

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* 24. If Yes to Q23, what is the primary value of computer simulation in your company?

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* 25. If No to Q23, why not?

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* 26. Which of the following will have the greatest impact on the future of the forging industry?

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* 27. Which of these will be most effective at encouraging professional growth in forging?

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* 28. What is your age?

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* 29. Which of these market areas offers the most promise for your forging company?

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* 30. Any additional comments that you might have regarding the state of the foundry industry and the business outlook will be appreciated. Your comments are confidential. We may quote relevant comments, without attribution, for our report in the December 2018 issue.

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* 31. If you would like to be entered in the drawing, please fill-in your information below: