Fire is a risk in every business. Some industries have a high rate of personal injuries and fatalities with fire-related incidents. Laundry industries often see large-scale collateral damage. TRSA is actively working with the insurance sector and fire safety services to help manage the risk and explore ways to prevent and contain fires in laundries.

Please respond to the questions below for each fire incident. For example, if you had three significant fires in the last 15 years, please enter three separate surveys.

Question Title

* 1. Full Name (optional):

Question Title

* 2. Company (optional):

Question Title

* 3. Year of the fire incident (optional):

Question Title

* 4. Month in which the fire incident occurred (required):

Question Title

* 5. Area of the laundry where the fire was originated (required):

Question Title

* 6. Time of the day when the fire was originated (required):

Question Title

* 7. Products where the fire originated (required)

Question Title

* 8. Fire incident type (if know) (required)

Question Title

* 9. Fire management procedures at the time of the incident (optional):

Question Title

* 10. The extent of damage (required):

Question Title

* 11. Extent of the insurance claim or damage (optional):

Question Title

* 12. Any lessons, observations or comments on this specific fire incident (optional):