Great Falls Development Authority thinks there is opportunity in communities across North Central Montana for Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business growth and to create additional local market opportunities for producers. We want to help entrepreneurs start Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy businesses; help existing Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy businesses grow, and attract more market opportunities for producers all within our region of North Central Montana. Our work is focused on the counties of Blaine, Cascade, Choteau, Fergus, Glacier, Hill, Judith Basin, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Meagher, Pondera, Teton, and Toole. 
We need your input. Your responses will shape our Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business development strategies for the next three years. Please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey below. We’d like to have responses in by March 31, 2023 so we can begin building our strategy, but late responses will be accepted and incorporated. 
Please frame your responses thinking of the next three years, 2023-2025, with regards to the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy businesses in your community. 
Bioprocessing: = bioprocess engineering in agriculture and the food industry involves the application of biocatalysts (living cells or their components) to produce useful and value-added products. Ex. yogurt, bread, cheese, soybean products and the big K’s: Kimchi, Kefir, Kombucha.
Farm-derived Renewable Energy = renewable energy produced from products developed by farmers and ranchers, as well as entrepreneurs, using Montana farm and ranch products. (ex. Wind, solar, and biomass energy (Biomass such as sugars and oils from plants can be used to make fuel for vehicles).

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* 1. Please enter your contact information

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* 2. Would you like to be invited to a quarterly, local Ag Business Roundtable?

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* 3. Describe your connection to the Montana Food, Ag, Bio Processing and/or Farm-derived Renewable Energy community in general.

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* 5. What does the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business climates look like in your community?

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* 6. What are the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business challenges you see for your community ?

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* 7. What are the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business opportunities you see for your community?

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* 8. What are the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business barriers you see in your community?

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* 9. What types of Food, Ag, and Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business trainings and resources are needed in your community?

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* 10. What untapped Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy business opportunities exist in your community?

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* 11. Who are the local leaders (formal or informal) we should be connecting with to grow the Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy industry in your community?

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* 12. Thinking of resources to help Food, Ag, Bio Processing, and Farm-derived Renewable Energy businesses in your community, finish this sentence: I just wish there was ___________________.

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* 13. What haven’t we asked you? Anything else you’d like to share?