FY25 Family Caregiver Support Program Satisfaction Survey

1.Who is the provider of your caregiver services?
2.What is your county of residence?
6.Household composition. Do you live... Check all that apply
7.How did you learn about our services?
8.What caregiver services did you receive? Check all that apply.
9.Are you better able to care for your loved one and yourself as a result of the service(s) you have received from the Family Caregiver program?
10.If you participated in a training program, did you experience any of the following? Check all that apply.
11.If you participated in counseling or a support group, did you experience any of the following?
12.Have your needs been met through the caregiver services you received?
13.Do you feel you had timely access to obtaining information when calling this program?
14.Overall, are you satisfied with the services provided by this program?
15.Are there additional services (other than those received) that would be helpful to you as a caregiver?
16.Suggestions for improving caregiver services:
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered