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The Department of Clinical Services is thrilled to announce the launch of the brand-new training course, the Family Welcome Experience for Early Start, available for parents and caregivers of children under three years of age. This online training library contains 8 modules, which you can watch at your own pace. Our goal is to ensure equitable access to information about services that may be available to you and your family, either at WRC or in your local community, and how to obtain those services. 
Persons interested in enrolling in this online course must complete this registration form. 

PLEASE NOTE: In order to access this course, you will need an email address. If you do not currently have an email address, the following email providers offer FREE email accounts: Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, and AOL Mail. If you need assistance in creating an email account, please contact your Service Coordinator. 
Dr. Thompson J. Kelly  
Director of Clinical Services  
Westside Regional Center