Our Community

Your feedback helps ensure we provide quality food and service for your community.

If you're filling this out as a parent on behalf of your child, please respond based on what you know of your child's experience with the dining program. If you have more than one child, you may fill one out for each child.

The survey takes less than five minutes. All responses are anonymous, unless you choose to provide your contact information at the end of the survey.

Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. How are you part of the community?

Question Title

* 2. During a typical week, how many times do you (or your child) eat a meal or snack provided on campus?

Question Title

* 3. How satisfied are you with our response to COVID-19 to keep you and your community safe?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied N/A
Service style
Food variety and selection
Wearing masks and physical distancing