FIRST Tech Challenge Oregon Teams:

Please complete this brief questionnaire asking information about your team. This is a requirement to participate in any FTC Oregon League Meets & League Qualifying Tournament or Non- League Qualifying Tournament.  

Non-League teams are not permitted to compete in League events. League teams are not permitted to compete in non-league events.    Both League and Non-League teams advance to Super-Qualifier Weekend and then to the Championship. 

2) Required Team information and contact information for Lead Coach/Mentor1 and Lead Coach/Mentor2. Optional emails for team members and additional mentors. 
3) How many teams members and a some team profile information 
4) Submit preferences for competing in a either a) League Meets & League Qualifying Tournament or b) a single Non-League Qualifying Tournament 

Please fill out all information. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. The ORTOP FTC Committee will use this information to keep in touch with you and to compile statistical information, order pins, produce materials.

Although Survey Monkey allows you to "go back" to previous pages, we don't suggest it. If you need to start over, close your browser and re-enter the team you were registering. If you have questions send a message to or call 503-486-7622


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* 1. Please enter the FIRST Tech Challenge team number assigned by FIRST to your team for the Fall 2018/ Winter 2019 season. This must be a valid and paid national registration number. (Enter one team number)

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* 2. Please enter your team name. Please do not enter "TBD" unless it is your team name.  (ORTOP reserves the right to reject inappropriate team names) Please have this match what is in the FIRST Team Dashboard. 

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* 3. Please enter the CITY where your team holds its meetings.

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* 4. Please enter your team school or other affiliation as you would like to see it printed on tournament documents