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FSM July 2018

Question Title

* 1. What did you think of these feature articles in the July issue?

  Did not like Liked Loved
Airbrushing & Finishing: Masterful mottled camouflage
Form & Figure: Painting a Soviet infantryman
Replicating Red 421 with Dragon's PzKpfw III Ausf M
Steppe up an SU-152: Detailing Bronco's kit for Kursk
Taking a close look at Operation Zitadelle: Troops resting, scene bustling
Add grass to display bases: A simple way to create a small scene
Build a better Buckeye: And nifty tips for tricky markings, too
Cultivate a corvette: Tips for Flower-class HMS Zinnia
Builder Basics: Painting wheels and tires
Final Details: Readers share their early aviation memories

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied are you with the July issue of FineScale Modeler magazine?