Yup, we agree. So, here’s what is different. You take the survey, we share what we’ve learned based on how you and others have answered. Why? Well, our philosophy is, when we get smarter, you also get an AHA!
We’ll be sharing our on going results with you on, "how people include self care and personal growth into their lives". (See our website for handy links) …And be patient with us, fun is harder to do than, boring (who woulda thunk?).

PLEASE share! We're interested in hearing from everyone. Selected Participants will be invited to a 90-minute research session, and will receive a $55 Amazon gift card in appreciation.

And last but not least. We're obsessed with privacy. All responses will be secure and never shared. Your personal information will only be used to contact you, with your permission.

Question Title

* 1. This info will only be used if you ask to join our Focus Study.

Question Title

* 2. Gender