Sea Level Rise, Tsunami Hazards & Erosion Resilience Survey

The City of Fort Bragg and Noyo Harbor District have partnered with California Sea Grant to develop the Noyo Harbor Blue Economy Visioning, Resiliency and Implementation (BEVRI) Plan. The BEVRI Plan is an opportunity to gather technical baseline information about the current environmental, economic, and social conditions of Noyo Harbor; develop a shared community vision for coastal resiliency; and identify next steps for implementation. Findings will inform updates to both the City of Fort Bragg and County of Mendocino’s Local Coastal Programs (LCP).

The Sea Level Rise Survey asks about your perceptions of sea level rise, personal experience with coastal flooding, planning and adaptation strategies, and preferred communication channels. The survey takes about 6 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous. Thank you for your participation!
1.Where do you currently reside?
2.Have you ever spoken with anyone or received information on potential sea level rise impacts to our region?
3.At the present moment, how concerned are you about sea level rise impacts in Noyo Harbor?
4.How concerned are you that Noyo Harbor will be impacted by sea level rise in the next 30 years?
5.How concerned are you that Noyo Harbor will be impacted by sea level rise in the next 50-60 years?
6.Have you or your property experienced any flooding or erosion events in the past ten years?
7.What specific impacts do you believe sea level rise could have in Noyo Harbor? Select all that apply.
8.What actions, if any, have you personally taken or plan to take to prepare for potential flooding or coastal erosion? Select all that apply.
9.What types of resources or information would help you better prepare for sea level rise? Select all that apply.
10.Which of the following adaptation strategies do you support for addressing sea level rise? Select all that apply.
11.Where do you currently get most of your information about sea level rise and coastal changes?
12.How would you prefer to receive information about sea level rise and local resiliency efforts? Select all that apply.
13.In your opinion, what should the top priority for Noyo Harbor be when planning for sea level rise?
14.Do you have any suggestions for improving the community’s preparedness and response to sea level rise?
Thank you for taking the time to participate! Please share this survey within your communities. It is available in both English and Spanish. For updated information on the BEVRI Plan, you can visit our website at