a Queer & Trans People of Color-centered event

Tired of meeting guys on apps? This February, we got the space for YOU! Find your valentine at our Men’s Speed Dating event with The Connection & tm4m, hosted by API Wellness!

WHO: Men* who like other Men, ages 18 & up
*trans and cis men are welcome!

WHAT: Men’s Speed Dating (a Queer & Trans People of Color-centered event)

WHEN: THU, February 9, 2017; 7:30-9PM

WHERE: Strut (470 Castro St, SF, CA 94114)

1) Space is limited, RSVP early!
2) Must be at least 18 years old to participate.
3) This event is focused on men of color and trans men, but all are welcome.

QUESTIONS?: Email Denmark at denmark@apiwellness.org

TO RSVP: Click NEXT to complete the RSVP form.
The Connection is a community health and social space for Asian & Pacific Islander men-who-like-other-men at API Wellness

tm4m is a group for trans men who play with men (or want to...) and the men who play with us. Our goal is to provide information, education and support to trans men who have sex with men. We host monthly educational workshops. A program of API Wellness

Space sponsored by Strut-- the home for health and wellness in the heart of the Castro. We are a program of San Francisco AIDS Foundation and our three-fold mission is to promote the health and wellness of gay, bi & trans men, to strengthen our diverse communities, and to reduce the impact of HIV in San Francisco.