
Each year the Office of Career Services surveys recent graduates to determine their first destination activity out of college. Information obtained is used to compile a Career Outcomes Report. Please take a few moments to complete the survey. All surveys and answers will remain confidential. Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing the survey. Good luck in your future and God bless!

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* 1. Please provide the following demographic information

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* 2. What is your University of Mary ID number?

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* 3. If married, what was your maiden name?

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* 4. Which term did you graduate from the University of Mary?

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* 5. What was your PRIMARY major?

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* 6. What was your SECONDARY major?

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* 7. Which of the following best describes your PRIMARY status? If you select employed please move onto question #8 if attending graduate school #10. Only do one or the other.

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* 8. If employed, please provide the following employment information (i.e. Employer, job title, city, state, zip)

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* 9. What is your annual salary?

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* 10. If attending graduate or professional school, please provide the following information concerning your education (Name and location of institution, Program of study, and degree you are pursuing)

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* 11. If participating in a volunteer or service program, please provide the organization, location, and your role

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* 12. If you are serving with the US military, please provide your service branch and rank

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* 13. What is the relationship between your first destination activity and your major/degree program?

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* 14. Based on your overall experiences while at the University of Mary, how well were you prepared for employment in your area of study?

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* 15. Are there factors that prevent you from relocating for employment?

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* 16. While attending the University of Mary, which of the following Career Services did you utilize?

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* 17. Overall, how satisfied are you with Career Services and its programs/services?

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* 18. When on campus, how did you hear about Career Services?

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* 19. Would you like to serve as a mentor or informational interview contact for U-Mary students?

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* 20. Did you complete a licensing exam as part of your major?