Being named to Fast Casual's Top 100 Movers & Shakers list is an annual honor given to the brands leading the fast casual restaurant industry. It recognizes growth and sales accomplishments but also trend setting and incorporating technology to enhance the customer experience. This "who's hot list" gives distinction to outstanding performers that command recognition. There is no cost for submitting a Top 100 nomination.
How it works
Brands must nominate themselves by answering a few questions about their businesses in order to help us narrow down the list. The final Top 100 list will consist of 75 brands and 25 industry executives.

The editors’ decisions are final and correspondence will not be entered into regarding entries. The editors reserve the right to reallocate entries that in their view are incorrectly entered. The editors reserve the right to retain entries for subsequent publication/exhibition in relation to the awards. Nominated entrants will be contacted after the judging for high res images if required.

** Entries will be accepted until midnight ET on Wednesday February 1, 2017.