100% of survey complete.
The Family and Children’s Trust Committee (FACT) is a subcommittee of the Board of Supervisors. We are engaged in our bi-annual Needs Assessment, which includes conducting parent surveys, key informant interviews with experts and surveying the provider community. Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey, which will be used to help identify our funding priorities for the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect and supportive services for families and children in Contra Costa County.

Question Title

* 1. Which one of these best describes your organization?

Question Title

* 2. What percentage of your organization's service population is represented by the following age groups?

  0% Less than 33% Less than 50% 50% or more
0-5 years
6-12 years
13-18 years
19-24 years
25+ years

Question Title

* 3. What percentage of your organization's service population is represented by the following groups?

  0% Less than 33% Less than 50% 50% or more

Question Title

* 4. In what region of the county does your organization provide services?

  0% Less than 33% Less than 50% 50% or more
Central (inc. Lamorinda)
Far East

Question Title

* 5. What estimated percentage of the people served by your organization is represented by the following ethnic groups.

  0% Less than 33% Less than 50% 50% or more
African-American / Black
American Indian/Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Pacific Islander
More than one ethnicity

Question Title

* 6. What do you see as the 3 highest unmet needs for services for families and children in Contra Costa County? (Please rank no more than 3.)

  1st highest need 2nd highest need 3rd highest need
After school programs
Bullying prevention
Drug and alcohol services for families
Family crisis support
Family support and referral services
Family violence prevention
Foster/kinship support
Gang prevention
LGBTQ services
Mental health services for families
Parenting education
Services for families who are homeless
Support for children with special needs and their families
Teen parenting support
Other (please explain below)

Question Title

* 7. For the unmet need you ranked highest in the previous question, what are the two most significant barriers to services for families?

  1. Barrier 2. Barrier
Lack of childcare
Cost of the services
Hours the services are offered
Language or cultural humility
Long waitlist
Services are not available
Lack of transportation
Other (please explain below)

Question Title

* 8. What can FACT do to assist in the improvement of child abuse prevention, treatment and supportive services for families and children in Contra Costa County?

Thank you so much for completing this survey!